4) Oliver Millham


(as written by son Roy in 1966)

Oliver Charles, the eldest son of Charles and Sarah Millham, was born at Headingly on October 19, 1866 and moved with his family to Minnedosa, Manitoba in 1879. When he was old enough, Dad took up a homestead of his own at Russell. Because he had earned title to his homestead prior to 1905, he was eligible to apply for a second homestead—which he did when the Millham family moved to Hazelcliffe.

Oliver married Ann Jane Gordon (born May 5, 1874 near Paisley, Bruce County, Ontario), daughter of William and Jane (Merrill) Gordon, who moved with her family to the Hazelcliffe district in 1880. In building his first log cabin, Dad had made a mistake and built it across the road allowance on a Mr. Delmage’s property, but they lived in it for a few years following their marriage. That is where I was born. As the homestead was rough land more suited to pasture, Dad bought an adjoining half section, which he broke up with oxen. Mr. Delmage told how he had slipped in and walked behind Dad when he was ploughing with oxen and that Dad never once swore. A new log house was built in the middle of the half section and when it rained, the roof would leak. Mother used to make up a bed under the table for my brother and me, to keep us dry.

There was no doctor in the country closer than Wapella, which was 25 miles away, and that was where Father used to haul his grain in the winter with oxen. It was very difficult to get your grain threshed in those days, so my father bought a portable steam engine and threshing machine. The sheaves had to be fed into the cylinder by hand, and it had straw carriers behind instead of a blower. He used to be threshing until Christmas time, as far away as 20 miles from home. By then, he had horses to move it around. About that time, my father built a new frame two-story house not far from the log one. Some time later, my father sold the old steam outfit and went to Winnipeg to purchase a big Reaves steam tractor and threshing machine, which was a big improvement.

 Oliver and Ann Millham

Father bought a half section of land (in the Qu’Appelle Valley about five miles away) from the CPR for three dollars an acre. He used the steam tractor to break it up. The next year he bought another quarter along side, and it cost him four dollars an acre.

He built the first telephone line in the country, between our home place and the valley farm. It was a single wire system hung on poplar posts and worked so well that he and some neighbors built another one to the store and post office, about three miles away. It was about that time that Dad bought the Wrightson place and moved the house up there. Olive was born before the house was moved and Alfred afterward.

In 1903, Alexander Irvine arrived in Hazelcliffe by train (that was the end of the line at that time) and obtained employment with Dad for three years. In 1908, Dad asked Alex to return and take over his farming operations. However, Alex wanted to buy a farm of his own so Dad sold him the farm in the valley and also supplied four horses and a two-furrow plough with no money down. That farm had forty acres broken. Alex’s wife, Jane Sutter, was also employed by Dad following her arrival in Canada and prior to her marriage in 1911.

In 1910, Dad bought a hotel in Prince Albert. Two years later, he sold the hotel as well as the farm and moved to Vancouver. I think we had the sale of the horses and equipment, etc. in the spring of 1910.


(submitted by Alex Nagy, whose father Louis bought the farm)

The land that my father bought from Oliver Millham was the west half of 29, north half of 36, three quarters of 1, and what we called the north farm next to Lukas. The price was around $6000 per quarter and it was sad that it was bought with a closed mortgage because around 1921 to 1925, my dad had the money to pay for it but the payments were yearly with no clause to pay more. When the depression came, the crops were poor and wheat went for 25 cents a bushel, and also there were several hailstorms to make the bad years. Thus, around 1933 payments were behind and Dad let Mr. Millham have the west half of 29 to compensate for the arrears on the other land. After that, Fred Millham acquired the two quarters. Somehow, when the mortgage was due in full, the final payment could not be made and the property reverted back to Mr. Millham. The real fact was that a load of wheat would only buy a barrel of gas and a pound of tobacco.

We did live in the house that was built by Oliver Millham, the yard and buildings were east of where the poultry coop is now. There were twelve buildings in the yard, which included barns, granaries, sheds, etc.

The northeast quarter of 36 was originally owned by Mr. Wrightson where he built a log house and barn. The northwest quarter was owned by Mr. Meder, I think they were Icelanders. This also had a log house. They had been immigrants and got these two quarters as homesteads, but could not take the conditions and the cold so they went back to their home country. That was when Mr. Millham acquired the two quarters. I can remember, as kids, we used to play in the houses which were later torn down. I still admire the craftsmanship that went into the building of the houses—they were all hand hewn with very artistic finishings.

I am not sure of the deal with Fred Millham, but I seem to recollect that Oliver sold it to Fred. It seems to me that there was some connection in the deal with George Millham, who resided in Esterhazy. If I remember right, there was about $15,000 owing of the property when the hard times hit and in those days a dollar was about the same as at least $500 today.


(continued by granddaughter Delcy Myers)

When Oliver moved with his wife and children to Alberta in 1914, he settled on a half-section in a scenic coulee in the Poplar Site district, 12-14 miles southwest of Hughenden. He was a determined and ambitious farmer and with the help of his family, he prospered and expanded his holdings. In the summer of 1920, he and Ann and their two youngest children moved to a newly constructed home on another quarter in the western area of Poplar Site. This became know as the home quarter and was always referred to in the days to come as the “nineteen”. When their oldest son Roy married in 1920, the coulee home was where the young couple began their married life. At this time both Roy and Stanley, while still working with and helping their father, were busy building their own businesses and eventually all three sons settled in the district of Poplar site.

Oliver, an active and knowledgeable farmer, continued to be successful. He was a hard worker with intense concentration and expected the same from others. He expected results and, as a rule, he got them. Soon he was running a business that encompassed all facets of farming— several 6 and 8 horse teams and a threshing machine run at first by a steam engine which later evolved into a gasoline powered machine. As did most farmers, he raised cattle, hogs, and poultry.

Oliver was a shrewd businessman with a keen sense of timing. This held him in good stead during the very unstable times in the early years of farming. He seemed to move with his decisions at just the right time and usually managed to make a profit. A neighbor described a time when Oliver joined a group to make up a train-load of cattle to be shipped from Hughenden to Chicago in October 1919. He received a reasonable price for the time (11 cents/pound). One week later, the price of cattle began to drop, the price of feed began to rise and one of the coldest winters set in. Many farmers were quoted as saying they felt they would have been money ahead had they shot all their cattle in the fall of 1919 rather than buy the high priced feed to bring them through the long winter, only to have the beef worth a fraction of its former value the following summer. It seems that the late spring with heavy storms added the final blow to many beef farmers’ hopes at the time.

Oliver and Ann Millham family

The year 1931 was a devastating year for the O.C. Millham family. On February 8, 1931 a blazing inferno enveloped the home on “nineteen” and almost everything was destroyed. Oliver was very badly burned and suffered from smoke inhalation in his efforts to control the fire. He spent quite some time in convalescence at the home of his son Stanley. Then on May 2, 1931 Ann Millham died as a result of illness. Her funeral was on May 5, exactly 57 years after her birth.

After the loss of his wife and home, Oliver continued to live on “nineteen” and still ran a full-fledged operation, always alert for new possibilities. He was known for his erect stance and long stride, his shock of glistening white hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was a sociable man and was happy in a crowd but was also comfortable when he was alone. He was often seen standing tall and aloof by himself quietly surveying the scene, a keen observer.

He was fond of reading and he enjoyed music. He was often found alone playing the organ and singing in a rich baritone voice. Traveling became something Oliver enjoyed. He rigged a camper on his truck and set off on many a long trip by himself, and continued this well into his later years. In 1945, he moved and spent his remaining years in Vancouver.

Oliver died on October 15, 1955 and funeral services were held in Hughenden on October 19, the anniversary of his birth. He was 89 years old less 4 days.

Oliver Millham family

(1866-1955)    (1874-1931)

1. Roy Mirls (1892-1988)
2. Stanley Newton (1894-1969)
3. Olive Melinda Alice (1902-1981)
4. Alfred Herbert (1905-1991)


1. Roy – Ivy Wells
Lluvia – Owen Hoover
1. Ronald 3. Gerald 5. Gwen
2. Sylvia  4. Linda
 Delcy – Leslie Myers
1. Sharilyn 3. Barbara 5. Donald
 2. Valerie 4. Kenneth
Jeanne – Ewart Hoover
1. Robert 3. Leonard 5. Shelley
2. David 4. Keith
2. Stanley – Berta Davidson
Patricia – Jack Owen
1. Douglas 3. Terry
2. Daryl 4. Lori
Beverly – Thomas O’Dell
1. Pamela 3. Mark
2. Kimberley
Olive – Ernest Peddicord
1. Stuart
2. Shirley – Don Daily
1. Patricia 3. Mark
2. Douglas 4. Diana
Alfred – Marie Heguy
Herbert – Kathleen Keele
1. Peter 3. Christopher 5. Michael
2. David 4. Robert
Maxine – Edward McConnell
1. Brian



Roy Mirls Millham was born November 6, 1892, the eldest son of Oliver and Ann Millham, and spent his early years on his parents’ farm at Hazelcliffe. He enjoyed playing hockey and was goalie for the Qu’Appelle hockey team. He mentioned Lipton’s as being one of the main sponsoring companies that made hockey possible in the area at the time. Roy studies and obtained his papers to become a qualified steam engineer.

While his family lived in Vancouver, Roy attended Business College. He was about to look for work in the area of business when his dad bought the farm in Alberta and the family moved there. Roy was 21 years old at the time and found himself very busy helping to run the farm. During the war years, with the shortage of manpower, Roy’s knowledge of the steam engine came to the rescue. They purchased a tractor run by steam which in turn ran the threshing machine. Roy was for many years heavily involved in this activity. Roy and his brother Stanley now had the help of their cousin Alvie Gordon who had come to live with them, and along with their father and younger brother Alfred, developed the farm into a very prosperous establishment.

Roy Millham Ivy WellsOn December 29, 1920 Roy married Ivy Alice Wells whom he had met the previous spring. He always vowed that it was a case of “love at first sight.” Ivy had been only eight months old when her parents emigrated from England and brought her, her older brother George and her sister Nora to Canada. Ivy’s mother, Selena Crutchely, was one of seven sons and seven daughters born to George and MaryAnne (Daniels) Crutchely of Cheshire, England. Her father, Daniel Wells, was the son of George and Mary (Setter) Wells of Haslinton, England. The Wells family first settled near Brooks, Alberta before making their home at Strathcona which is now part of Edmonton. Ivy also had a younger brother Frank and two younger sisters, Dorothy and Daisy. Her father went back overseas to fight in World War I and lost his life; the family continued to live at Strathcona.

Roy and Ivy began their married life on Roy’s farm in the coulee in Poplar Site district. Their first home was a log house which, despite its many disadvantages, was the foundation for a happy start to married life. Their greatest asset was their love for each other and the value they placed on hard work.

Their first daughter Lluvia was born in 1922 and their second daughter Delcy arrived in 1925. While Delcy was still a baby they lived in Sedgewick, Alberta, and when she was 8 months old, Roy moved his family to Detroit, U.S.A. where he worked for the Watkins Company. He decided to return to Canada in 1928 and they once more returned to the farm. This time, however, Roy built a new home on level ground, one-half mile north of the coulee and the family settled down to farm life at Hughenden. Their third daughter Jeanne was born in 1930, adding much laughter and happiness to the family’s life.

Roy Millham family

Roy and Ivy farmed through the “dirty thirties” which were trying times for all of rural Alberta, but they took an active interest in the happenings of the district. Roy belonged to several farm organizations and was a founding member of the Alberta Wheat Pool. The Christmas concert was a highlight of the year in the district when everyone would be in attendance. Santa would always appear at the concert and for several years, just as that magic moment arrived, Roy was nowhere to be seen. Shortly after Santa left, Roy would return with a familiar twinkle in his eye.

Roy and Ivy were involved in the education of their daughters. They boarded the teacher for several years, and Roy was a school trustee and chairman of the school board.

As time passed, the family grew up and their parents bought a farm in the Winterburn district about eight miles west of Edmonton where an extensive and profitable egg route was developed. They spent many hours transforming their farmyard and grounds into a beautiful park-like setting which was admired for miles around. In the seventies, Roy was successful in having his land subdivided into acreages and “Millham Gardens” now stands where the Millham farm was for many years.

Roy Ivy Millham 60th anniversary




In 1974, Roy and Ivy retired in Edmonton where, following the death of their daughter Jeanne, her children moved in and further enriched their lives. In his later years, Roy had time to pursue his many interests which included reading, studying his well-worn Bible, and enjoying his favorite television programs with the aid of an earphone.

Roy died from heart failure on January 15, 1988 at the age of 95 years. Ivy continued to live in their home and carried on with a determination of spirit until her death on August 6, 1990.





(submitted 1988)

Lluvia Daisy, the eldest daughter of Roy and Ivy Millham, was born January 16, 1922. In the winters, Dad would drive my sister Delcy and me over three miles to the country school and in summer, we drove my pony “Nancy” in a two-wheeled cart. I completed my education at Hughenden High School.

During my youth I enjoyed music lessons and even played a button accordion. I often played for our school dances while a neighbor boy accompanied me with his violin. I enjoyed horseback riding, and singing and dancing immensely.

Following high school, I moved to Edmonton and took a course in McTavish Business College. At graduation, a lovely dance was given for us and I received the College ring. I also took a sewing course in the evenings. I was employed by Pilkinglan Glass as a receptionist.

On August 9, 1944 I married Owen Clark Hoover in a double wedding with my sister Delcy. Owen was from Tofield, Alberta, the son of Adam Clark Hoover and Gladys Helen Owen from Nova Scotia. Owen was in the RCAF and when he was transferred to Vancouver Island in June 1945, I went with him to live in Sydney and was able to work as a civilian typist at the RCAF base at Patricia Bay. When the war ended, we obtained our releases and settled in Edmonton in November 1945.

In 1948, we bought an acreage on the edge of Edmonton and in the following February when our second child was born, Owen had just bought 1000 chicks—I’m afraid he saw them more than he saw us, but we were very happy anyway. Owen had his own trucking business and also worked on the oil rigs.

After our second son was born, our big sandbox was an attraction for all the neighborhood children. We had a beautiful husky dog that Owen would hitch to a wagon or toboggan and take all the children for rides.

Owen Hoover FamilyIn 1954, we sold our acreage and bought a lovely new home, not far away, in the Crestwood district. I can still remember how marvellous it was to have running water and an indoor bathroom! Two more daughters joined our family.

By the later 1950’s my husband was a super “Top” salesman for Sunrise Industries. In 1960, our happiness was interrupted by Owen having a heart attack and being under doctors’ care for the next few years. He was still able to work but at a limited rate. On December 31, 1967 Owen died of heart failure.

After my family was grown up and settled, I joined the work force. I was employed by a newspaper company and began taking ads from the public over the telephone, doing several different office jobs, and was finally promoted to doing paste-up and layout of the “Bargain Finder”, which I have been doing for the past six years. I retired in 1987 and the company gave me a lovely party at which my family was present. I am, however, still working part time, doing only layout of the paper and am enjoying it exceedingly.

During these last years, I’ve done a lot of traveling. I have my “craft” evenings with the neighbors and especially enjoy taking my mother shopping each week and having supper together. I will close by saying that with the loving support and companionship of my family, I am very proud and contented.

Lluvia Hoover Family

Ronald Hoover

Ronald Roy, the first son of Lluvia and Owen Hoover, was born September 16, 1946. My early years were spend in a close-knit family atmosphere which has continued through the years, mainly because my family are also my friends. My family, my fondest teachers, taught me honesty, patience, calmness and the value of hard work. My mother is still teaching me life skills such as persistence in reaching a goal and the management of money. She can still do more with the change from a dollar than I can do with several dollars. I seem to have acquired a mechanical ability to build or repair almost anything. My enjoyment of camping and boating is strong as are the memories of those activities with my parents in my youth. In fact, I have a camperized bus as did my father years ago.

I attended Crestwood School in Edmonton and completed high school at Ross Sheppard in 1964. I graduated from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology as a draftsman in 1967, which enabled me to join Stelco Steel of Edmonton. My career involved design and project coordination in all aspects of making steel through the phases of scrap metal, molten steel, to finished product. During my first twenty years at Stelco, I was also a taxi owner/driver with Barrel Cab. I designed and built entrepreneurial pursuits.

In 1967 I married Anita Carol Arundel and we had a daughter. We faced rocky times which we were unable to handle because of our youth and we parted.

Ronald Margaret Hoover familyThe woman of my life today and for the last seventeen years is Margaret Morgan of Unity Saskatchewan. She is active in her career as a mental health counselor with the Alberta Government Mental Health Services, and in the pursuit of physical fitness through aerobics, yoga and running. My life is rich because of her humor, her quest for knowledge, and her paycheck. We have a son who is a constant reminder of my own youth.

I am still employed by Stelco Steel and manage the maintenance of the Rolling Mill, which produces 260,000 tons of steel per year. My family background has carried over into my work. With millwrights, electricians, welders and machinists in my department, we have the ability to build or repair anything. I consider those I work with as my friends and I attempt to carry on the teaching of honesty, patience, calmness and hard work.

Diana Dawn, daughter of Ronald and Anita Hoover, was born in Edmonton on December 12, 1967. My childhood memories begin in Hinton, Alberta where I moved with my mother and stepfather, Larry Dean Meck, when I was just past the age of two. I remember sitting on the front steps of our house, suitcase in hand, waiting for my father to pick me up for another wonderful summer holiday. Later, after moving back to Edmonton, Dad picked me up with the bus while I hid my face, thinking my friends wouldn’t see me getting into the old 1949 camperized army bus that my father considers his pride and joy! Off we would go to central British Columbia, towing the motorboat, for a summer of fun where we enjoyed boating, water skiing, swimming, hiking and baking our bodies in the sun. This summer of 1988 we will all be piling into the bus again.

I finished my schooling at Ross-Sheppard High School where I received my diploma in 1986. I have now completed some upgrading courses at Alberta College. I enjoy music, singing, biking, and of course, my pride and joy—my own car.

Stuart Michael, son of Ronald and Margaret Hoover, was born September 14, 1971. I am in grade eleven and although I’ve not had much life yet to write about, my accomplishments, inspirations and interests will always be important to me. My late great grandfather was a very definite inspiration to what I believe in—his simple happiness and determined efforts set a standard that I try very hard to follow. I will always remember him as a great example of what it means to be a man. My father showing me what can be accomplished through hard work and determined effort has helped me in being all that I can be.

My most important achievement to date was recently surviving a one-month exchange in Quebec, enveloped completely in an environment of French. I feel I have grown from the experience and remember it with pleasure. My interests include gymnastics, running, reading, cycling, skiing, boating, fishing and overcoming the mysteries of computers. I have many friends from all walks of life and enjoy the benefits of knowing people from many cultures without having to travel to do so. I do enjoy traveling however and have been to several States, Mexico, B.C. and Saskatchewan with my family.

Silvia (Hoover) Young

Sylvia Gladys, the eldest daughter of Lluvia and Owen Hoover, was born February 8, 1949 in Edmonton. I was educated in Edmonton and completed high school at Ross Sheppard where I received many typing and shorthand awards. I babysat constantly to pay for my much loved music lessons on accordion and began student teaching this instrument at the age of 16 for the Glenora School of Music. In my teens I belonged to CGIT, taught Sunday School, and represented St. Andrew’s United Church at Camp Councils.

In 1966, I was employed by the provincial government’s Department of Mines & Minerals where I worked for eight years while continuing to teach music at Glenora and take in students at home. I organized numerous concerts for children and played at many charity functions.

On July 12, 1969 I married Kenneth Genard Young, only child of Wilber Kenneth Young and Eva Hawreyluk of Ardmore, Alberta. Ken used to work with my dad doing carpentry or mechanics in the Hoover garage.

In 1970 we moved to Millham Gardens and lived for two years in a homesteader’s cabin while we constructed a garage (which was to become our temporary home for six years) on our four-acre parcel of land. I quit work in 1974 but continued to teach music in Spruce Grove. Ten busy years passed as I served on playschool and kindergarten executives and did volunteer work at the elementary school our three daughters attended, while helping Ken build our permanent home.

In 1984 I once again joined the work force when I obtained employment with Jack and Jill Co. Ltd. I still work for this children’s wear retail store where I do the payroll, bookkeeping and inventory control. Ken is an ironworker by trade and has the ability to repair, construct or manufacture anything needed (or not needed).

From my dad I gained a sense of humor and a certain drive that keeps me going, and from my mom I have learned faith, patience and warmth. I have set goals for myself and have worked hard to attain them with the knowledge that what is worked for is truly cherished and well worth the effort. We love acreage living where it is peaceful and private as well as beautiful. I love my work, my collection of friends, my home and yard, my daughters, and most of all, my husband and best friend who has lived with four teasing, giggly and sometimes squabbly females and has taken it all with a grin and a shake of his head!

Pamela SusanPamela Susan, the eldest daughter of Sylvia and Ken Young, was born April 4, 1973 in Edmonton. She took tap dancing lessons from age four to six, when piano lessons began (and continue). She has received honors in Royal Conservatory exams and also plays accordion and clarinet. She attends St. Andrew’s United Church in Spruce Grove and belongs to CGIT where she has put her musical ability to use.

During her elementary education at Queen Street School in Spruce Grove and Junior High at Broxton Park, Pam received Merit Awards for academic and personal performance. She excels in business related programs and recently won a typing contest, bettering even the instructor in speed and accuracy.

Tania Lynn, the second daughter of Sylvia and Ken Young, was born in Edmonton on February 26, 1975. She took tap and ballet lessons prior to beginning piano lessons at age six. She has received honors in Royal Conservatory exams and likes to sing, accompanied by Pam on piano. Tania loves skiing, is an excellent swimmer and has won sportsmanship awards in track and field. At school, she is active in the Operetta and has sung and danced with that group at the Horizon Theater in Spruce Grove. She attends St. Andrew’s United Church, belongs to CGIT and has participated in several music productions.

Amber Gwen, the third daughter of Sylvia and Ken Young, was born in Edmonton on March 13, 1976. As a child, she was able to amuse herself—her favorite pastime was to empty the lazy susan of all canned goods! Dance lessons began at age three followed by piano where she, too, has received honors on Royal Conservatory exams.

Amber has a multitude of friends, and is active in soccer, baseball, swimming and skiing. She enjoys reading mysteries and writing stories and poems. She is energetic, vibrant and enthusiastic—and never, never quiet. Amber loves dogs, cats and horses, and has spent many happy hours with her dog Sparky who follows her everywhere.

Gerald Hoover

Gerald Owen, the third child of Lluvia and Owen Hoover, was born in Edmonton on August 9, 1951. Gerald attended school in Edmonton, spending some time at his grandparents’ farm on weekends. I’m sure he still recalls when he had to cut the heads off chickens! It is an event to laugh about now, but he was horrified at the time. He attended Sunday School, belonged to the sea cadets, and as a Cub or Scout, attended summer camps.

Gerald took some music lessons in accordion and guitar, and enjoyed reading western novels. His main hobby was repairing cards and engines, which he learned by working with his dad. His natural ability lay in fixing small appliances—radios, etc. Gerald worked on construction and was employed by Stelco Steel Company of Canada operating a huge crane.

Gerald and Donna HooverOn August 30, 1975 Gerald married Donna Dieno whom he had met while on holiday in Oliver, B.C. Donna is the daughter of Ernest Ralph Dieno (born in Young, Sask.) and Bernice Elizabeth Roberts (from Vancouver Island). In 1976 Gerald and Donna moved to Oliver where they built a home, and Gerald worked on construction of homes and swimming pools. After suffering a back problem, he took an apprenticeship as a Carbide Saw Maker and Filer at Western Saws in Penticton. He has been with them since 1979 and is now their production superintendent. Donna has been employed by Osoyoos Credit Union for ten years. They have a daughter.

Gerry is active in the South Okanagan Chapter of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship. Both are active in their church, enjoy camping, fishing, crafts, hobbies and travel.

Breanne Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald and Donna Hoover, was born in Penticton, B.C. on October 31, 1988.

Linda (Hoover) D’Ilio

Linda Lluvia, the fourth child of Lluvia and Owen Hoover, was born April 21, 1956. I remember the holidays in the bus with my family and the thrill of Dad taking Gwen and me up to our necks in lake water. Much time was spent playing house in our big sandbox with Gwen, and the two of us begging Gerald to be the “dad”—sometimes he even would! I was educated at Jasper Place Composite School in Edmonton, getting my diploma as well as business courses and then off to work as a secretary.

In 1977 I married Douglas Edward Spooner and in 1980, gave birth to a three and a half pound baby boy who arrived three months prematurely. During the next few difficult months, Doug and I divorced and my time was consumed caring for my tiny baby, Rory, in the intensive care unit. In 1982, I returned to work part-time at Genstar Cement Ltd., and my sisters graciously offered their homes to my son and me where we stayed until I could find a home of our own.

Linda Rocco D'Ilio Rory AdrianaIn 1984, I married Rocco Jimmy D’Ilio, the only child of Rocco Felemino D’Ilio and Micheline Confortati, whom I met at Genstar Cement. Rocco was born in Montreal, Quebec, has resided in Edmonton for 10 years, and is Controller for the Triple Five Corporation. He is my source of inspiration and support, and is truly the love o my life. We both enjoy reading, skiing, and the never-ending battle of fit versus fat, mainly through running. In 1986, we gained custody of Rocco’s daughter Adrianna Rene, born March 18, 1977, a delightful, bubbly addition to our family and a much adored big sister for Rory.

I am kept busy with our school resource program, and various community league projects along with the delights of Girl Guides and Boys Scouts leadership. Of late, Rocco has been teaching me the operation of computers which I have been able to utilize working at home. In my spare time, I sew for my family, play piano, and drive Rocco nuts with my “little” projects, ie. painting and redecorating the house—projects I start at 10 p.m.

Rory Clarke, son of Linda and Douglas Spooner, was born September 15, 1980 in Edmonton. Born prematurely, he encountered numerous respiratory problems but was released from hospital in two months, weight four pounds, twelve ounces. In 1984, when his mom remarried, Rory was happy to have Rocco be “our dad”, and has established a father/son relationship with him. Rory was delighted when, at the age of five, he acquired an older stepsister. She likes to share with Rory the benefit of her experience while he likes to show her how wrong she is!

Like all boys, Rory loves climbing trees, capturing caterpillars, riding his bike and teasing his cat. He enjoys baseball and makes sure his sister knows that he’s clean-up batter on his team. His real love is skiing—Mom and Dad can no longer keep up to him on the slopes and he not so quietly tries to give Adrianna helpful hints. Rory has completed his first year of ski racing and will be skiing on the Nancy Greene ski team at Snow Valley next winter.

Gwen (Hoover) Pacholik

Gwen Delcy, the youngest child of Lluvia and Owen Hoover, was born in Edmonton on May 25, 1957. My early memories take me back to my grandparents’ farm at Winterburn where, along with my sister Linda and brother Gerald, we kept the gopher population down by trapping and clubbing them. On more than one occasion, we would kill these rodents, then sit down and eat our packed lunch. I have lived all my life in Edmonton where I took my schooling. Upon leaving high school, I took a post-secondary course in business reception, and after graduating from NAIT, I took employment with a local petroleum distributor as receptionist/secretary.

On July 1, 1978 in Edmonton, I married Joe Pacholik, son of Stan and Elinor Pacholik who farm at Rose Valley, Sask. Joe and I have two children and reside in St. Albert, Alberta where we operate our own business—4-way Petroleum Service Ltd., covering the maintenance of service stations and bulk plant equipment in Northern Alberta. Besides running the business office, household duties, and keeping up with our ever-active children, I am starting to get my own business off the ground, doing one of my favorite hobbies, ceramics. I also enjoy reading, hiking, and cycling.

Joe Gwen Angie Chad Pacholik Angie Lee, daughter of Gwen and Joe Pacholik, was born in Edmonton on March 25, 1976. At age four, she began ballet lessons and branched into tap dance. At a later date, she tried her skills at soccer and baseball. After earning her green badge in the Red Cross program, Angie is now involved in competitive swimming; her goal is to receive her instructor’s diploma. She has completed the Brownie and Guide programs and will begin Pathfinders in September, 1988.

Her elementary education was taken at Sir Alexander MacKenzie School in St. Albert and will continue at Lorne Akins Junior High. Angie enjoys ceramics, baseball, hiking, bike riding and the company of her friends; she has a real love for swimming and downhill skiing.

Chad Owen, son of Gwen and Joe Pacholik, was born April 20, 1980 in Edmonton. At age four, he enrolled in gymnastics and power skating, and later joined a soccer team. Now he believes he is playing the best game yet—baseball. Chad likes to be outdoors, and enjoys going to work with his dad where he has his own “mini office”, working on pipes and gas pump repairs. He has shown a real interest in working with tools. He will be entering grade three at Sir Alexander MacKenzie in 1988-89 and is a happy child who is content to play by himself or with his friends.

(submitted 1988)

Delcy Loy, the second daughter of Roy and Ivy Millham, was born March 6, 1925 in Edmonton. I have some very distinct early memories of my aunts and uncles. When I was about three or four years old, I was to be the flower girl at Uncle Alf’s wedding. I remember weeping uncontrollably and stating emphatically that “I was going to marry Uncle Alf and now SHE’S gone and done it!” Uncle Alf and Aunt Marie presented me with a beautiful silk purse in spite of the fact that I had refused to perform my duties. I also remember, while watching Aunt Olive and my mother performing grooming rituals before a large vanity table, Aunt Olive remarking that I would be doing the same thing when I grew up to be a “nice lady”. I indignantly informed her that I didn’t want to be a nice lady—I wanted to be “just like my mom!” I was puzzled when my mother and aunt dissolved into torrents of laughter.

We each had our favorite radio programs—mine was “Hockey Night in Canada” with Foster Hewitt. I became an ardent fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs who I have since demoted to second place after the Edmonton Oilers. Music was a part of our lives—we learned to dance, sing, and play the piano and accordion. Many times, our family gathered around the radio to listen to Jimmy Gowler’s Old Time Band.

I attended a one-room school where Aunt Berta was my first teacher. During the cold winter months, Dad drove us with a team of horses and sleigh, and in summer, we drove ourselves the 2 ½ miles in a horse-drawn two-wheel cart. I attended Hughenden High School for a year and the next year, went to my favorite place, Edmonton, where I graduated from Victoria High School in 1942. I attended Normal School in Edmonton (1942-43) and because of the shortage of teachers due to the war, I was sent straight to work at Wisla School sixty miles north of Edmonton instead of practice teaching. My first real contract was in 1943-44 at Douglas School, forty miles east of Edmonton (where I met my husband.)

Delcy Leslie MyersOn August 9, 1944, in Hughenden United church, I married Leslie Valentine Myers, son of Albert and Augusta Myers of Arvilla, Alberta, in a double wedding with my sister Lluvia and Owen Hoover. Leslie rented the R.Y. Secord farm at Winterburn and established a dairy business while I taught for one more year—at Oliver School on the outskirts of Edmonton. Our first daughter was born while we lived at Winterburn. By the fall of 1948, Leslie’s business had become successful enough that we were able to buy our own farm in the Bremner district, 3 ½ miles south of present-day Fort Saskatchewan. The dairy thrived under my husband’s care and soon it was one of the largest in the country. Les became indispensable to the whole operation; this limited our involvement in many other interests and our holidays were very few.

Our family increased to include two more daughters and two sons—they became the most important thing in our lives and the richness they brought can never be explained. Les, true to form, surprised me by deciding to foster our children’s interest in music and bought a beautiful upright piano. All five children became serious students of music and accumulated several awards and scholarships as well as attending numerous performances, recitals, orchestra and band concerts, music trips, and such. We accumulated a variety of instruments as each of our children played several as well as sang—they each had solo work but belonged to orchestras, bands, choirs a ensembles, and were annual comp in festivals. Besides the vast amount chauffeuring required, I became deeply involved with the Fort Saskatchewan Festival Association, having served a treasurer, president, and delegate to th Provincial Festival Association.

Delcy Myers familyOn Christmas Day, 1977, my family and I were stunned by Leslie’s death due to a heart attack.  This very unusual man, who did everything in his own unique way, was born on Valentine’s day, died on Christmas Day, and left an empty space in our lives.  Following a huge auction sale, I knew where my next home would be – Edmonton.

Shari (Myers) McCoy

Sharilyn Jeanne, the eldest daughter of Delcy and Leslie Myers , was born January 29, 1947. When I was five years old, I started school at Fort Saskatchewan and continued there un graduation in 1965. After overcoming my shyness as I neared high school, I became a cheerleader, member of numerous clubs, and was even “Snow Queen ‘65” (my dad sold tickets!) I started piano lessons when I was 7 or 8 years old and later studied violin, music history and harmony, and spent a couple of summers at the Banff School of Fine Arts. A highlight was winning a Silver Medal for the highest mark in Alberta in the grade ten Roya Conservatory piano exam.

While in high school, I started taking music students and could make as much money in a couple hours as my friends could by working all day in the local grocery store. In my second year at the University of Alberta, I switched to the Bachelor of Music program, majoring in piano. I continued to teach and for a couple of years, directed the choirs and played the orga the Fort Saskatchewan United church. After graduating with my Bachelor of Music (B Mus) and Associate of Music (A Mus), I took a year of Education to become a school teacher.

On August 20, 1971 I married Kenneth Edward McCoy, the son of Lawrence Joseph and Eva (Brownie) McCoy of Edmonton. We lived in an apartment in Edmonton while Ken completed his last year of Bachelor of Commerce and I taught music and drama at St. Francis Xavier High School. After graduation, Ken began working with Melton Real Estate (now Royal LePage). We bought our first home, a three-bedroom bungalow, in St. Albert just before the first of our four children was born. With young children at home, I retired from school teaching and also put piano on hold. I became a bridge player, bowler, golfer (of sorts), and craftsperson. Being very interested in weaving, I was chairman of the St. Albert Weavers’ Guild for a time.

In 1981, we bought a larger house in Edmonton and became really involved in community and school groups—I found out what happens to those “mothers that don’t work”. I served as secretary for Parent Advisory Committees; undertook the organization of and acted as emcee for the Official Opening of Our Lady of the Prairies School and was chairman of the Parent Group the following year; was secretary for Westridge -Wolf Willow Community League; and even volunteered as soccer coach for the 4-8 year olds. I have been a crafts mom, bingo worker, costume maker, ticket maker, and ticket seller.

Ken has continued to work with Royal LePage and over the years has held several positions. He has become involved with coaching hockey and ringette, and community league work. Ken taught me to ski and also about “the lake”—water skiing and lake life had been totally foreign to me. I have now been fully initiated and we enjoy our cottage at Seba Beach. He taught me about hockey—I love it, and he tried to teach me about football—I hate it. Now the six of us are starting to learn about camping; the jury is still out on that one!

As our youngest child approached school age, I began to burn out from so much volunteer work and car pooling, and yearned to get back to music. I advertised for a couple of students and took six the first year—fearing what would happen to my family while I did so. Surprise! They survived and so did I. My teachers had taught me about music but my kids and their friends taught me about teaching. I am delighted with the result and anticipate many happy and successful years doing what I enjoy and getting paid for it! So this is where I am right now—mother of four, wife of one, teacher of thirty, friend to many, and relative of everyone in this book. [In 1990, Shari returned to full-time teaching at her same school and will only teach a couple of students privately.]

McCoy Brad Jackie Shari Ken Kristy Jay

Bradley John, the eldest child of Shari and Ken McCoy, was born December 30, 1973 in Edmonton, and lived his first six years in St. Albert. Upon moving to Edmonton, he entered grade two at Our Lady of Victories School and also began piano lessons, hockey, and soccer at which he became very skilful. Athletics in general became Brad’s forte; he took up racquetball, skiing, swimming, golf, baseball and water skiing—for a time he held the unofficial record for youngest barefoot waterskier on Seba beach (age 8).

Now in grade nine at St. Rose Junior High, Brad plays Double A hockey, baseball and is a Larry Bird protégé on the basketball courts, and much to his parents’ relief, has become more interested in academic endeavors. With his future plans including music, sports, a full academic load plus options, I think he should take a course in time management!

Jay Scott, the second son of Shari and Ken McCoy, was born February 22, 1976—the day Joe Clark was elected leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Upon moving to Edmonton at the age of four, Jay began his educational life by enrolling in playschool and piano lessons. As did his brother, he tried all sorts of sports, but his approach is very different. Jay is a laid-back kid—he gives his all, but never seems excited when it’s over. Win or lose, you’d never know by his face.

He has been a joiner—whatever club is formed, Jay signs up. He has been runner-up for the chess club prize; had major parts in drama productions; was intramural captain and member of the running club. Jay plans to attend St. Rose Junior High next year and continue with sports; I feel certain he will join whatever clubs there are as well.

Jaclyn Rae, the third child of Shari and Ken McCoy, was born December 19, 1977, just one week before her Grandpa Myers died. She knows her grandpa saw her and said that she was a pretty little thing. (Newborn babies are usually scrawny, ugly things in his eyes.) Jackie started Suzuki piano lessons at the age of four and at seven, began taking lessons from her mom. She is very good—received a mark of 90% on her grade one Royal Conservatory exam. Like her brothers, Jackie is very athletic, and is a good soccer and ringette player. She is a Girl Guide, takes dancing, ballet and jazz, and does well in school.

Kristy Lyn, the youngest child of Shari and Ken McCoy, was born February 10, 1981. She attends our Lady of Victories School and takes piano lessons from her mom. She won a red ribbon for her first place in the Community Talent Show for six-year-old piano. Kristy has learned to ski, swim, skate, and play soccer, and joined Brownies.

Valerie (Myers) Hetherington

Valerie Gail, the second daughter of Delcy and Leslie Myers, was born August 19, 1950 in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. Living in a family of five children, with parents whose primary concern was the upbringing of their offspring, my siblings and I never wanted for anything; we received far more materially, intellectually and emotionally than any other children in the district. My father enjoyed creating and building, and never once built anything that wasn’t the biggest and best of its kind for miles around—we had a playground, the likes of which most towns never possessed, and later our mother had a floodlit fishpond and fountain which became a local attraction.

In music, I was considered special because my main talent lay with playing the violin. While in grade 3, I won my first scholarship ($50 cheque and certificate) and began to dream of a future as a concert violinist or symphony orchestra conductor. Countless hours of practice resulted in my winning many scholarships and awards, including Silver Medal for Alberta in grade 7 Violin (Royal Conservatory); Best Senior Violinist in Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival three consecutive years; Best String Player in Alberta Provincial Festival (1967). I also attended numerous music camps, the highlight being in 1968 at Meadowmount School of Music in New York. From being a MINOR celebrity in Alberta, I became a mere drop in an expansive sea of musicians and realized the world of concert violinists extended far beyond what I was willing to give up, so I altered my dreams. I enrolled in the University of Alberta, Bachelor of Music program but completed only one year prior to my marriage.

The following summer I married Richard Rae Parker, son of Alice and Walter Richardson Parker of Dewberry, Alberta. During the three years of my first marriage, I had two daughters, the pride and joy of my entire being. Following the breakup of my marriage, I enrolled again at the U of A in the Faculty of Education, majoring in Music. Being a single mother, full-time student and breadwinner left little time for sleep. (I depended on public transportation for traveling to classes and I suspect, a little shut-eye on the way!)

On August 7, 1976 I married William Ray Hetherington (son of Elsie Jean Murray and Donald William Hetherington) whom I had met two years previously at university. My daughters, who were immediately adopted by Bill, were flower girls. I received my first teaching contract with the Edmonton Public School Board while Bill finished his last year of university. I am now in my eleventh year of teaching, and each year keeps getting better and better. At present, in Mayfield Elementary School, I teach grade 6, all music classes, and am librarian and principal-designate in addition to involvement in numerous extra-curricular activities with students.

Hetherington Tracy Shauna ValerieBill and I have provided the opportunities for our girls to have a multitude of experiences—Brownies, several sports, modeling, Sunday School, and music lessons—and have bought them the best equipment, coached and sat on boards of directors. Over the past five years, I have taken a keen interest in fitness and nutrition, and especially enjoy track and field athletics. I am involved with Weight Watchers International, addicted to aerobic dancing, and have become a fitness fanatic (I “work out” at Club Fit) and running enthusiast—Bill and I enter many road races in the area. I have learned that there is no limit to the number of things once can see, do, learn or participate in. Life is wonderful and I love being alive. [In 1990, Valerie accepted a new position—Junior High Language Arts— saying it was time for a change.]

Shauna Loy Hetherington, the first daughter of Valerie and Richard Parker, was born January 1, 1971 in Edmonton. She was the apple of her Grandpa Myers’ eye, and remained on the farm with her grandparents for a year following the break-up of her parents’ marriage. Through the years, Shauna was enrolled in figure skating, ballet, jazz, and violin lessons, but found she preferred sports. She excelled in soccer and advanced quickly to play on several championship teams throughout her school years and is now coaching a PeeWee girls’ team.

Shauna maintained a near-honors average in school, competed successfully in track and field, and won medals in Artistic Roller Skating (solo dance). She did some fashion modeling for various agencies and was chosen as one of 20 semi-finalists for the Edmonton-Tokyo Model Search (out of 240 girls). Shauna is now completing grade 12, works part-time at the Bay, and has recently developed an interest in traveling. [In 1990, Shauna began college at Mount Royal, Calgary.]

Tracy Lee Hetherington, the second daughter of a second daughter (Valerie Myers) of a second daughter (Delcy Millham) of a second daughter (Ivy Wells), was born August 30, 1972. Following her parents’ break-up, Tracy moved with her mother to Edmonton and began attending daycare centers at the age of one year. An image that will remain forever in the mind of her mother is the picture of Tracy leaving on the daycare center’s private bus, lunch kit in one hand and diaper bag in the other.

Besides attaining high marks in school (without studying), Tracy participated in Brownies, ballet, jazz, T-ball and soccer. At the age of seven, she was scouted by John Casablancas Modelling Agency in Edmonton and in the following years, modeled, appeared in fashion shows and made commercials. She began studying music in elementary school and continues with flute and piano, both in school and for her own enjoyment. Tracy took up artistic roller skating while in grade 6 and amazed the roller skating world by winning three provincial gold medals; she continued to be at the top of her age category for the remainder of her roller skating days. She is now in grade 10 at Strathcona Composite High and a member of the Scona Lords cheerleading team which qualified for the world championships in Chicago, Illinois later in 1988.

Barbara (Myers) Hauk

Barbara Anne Ivy, the third daughter of Delcy and Leslie Myers, was born December 17, 1952. My formal education began when I was 5 years old—during the last week of June, children who would start school in the fall were expected to attend for one week of orientation. I complied for one day and announced to the teacher that I would not be back the following morning. Being strong-willed like my father, I was adamant in my stance and my parents complied with my wishes. Come September, however, I was sent off to grade one literally kicking and screaming all the way. I was a bright student who received good marks with no effort and only now as a teacher, do I realize I could have achieved even better with just a little work. While in elementary school, I was a member of the Fort Saskatchewan Swim Team and took figure skating, and in high school I was on the basketball and volleyball teams and joined the cheerleaders. The majority of my spare time however was spent in the study of music. I received lessons in piano and organ, and later the violin and taught myself to play the guitar. Although I entered and won some voice competitions with my brother Donald, the piano was my main area of study. I won several awards and scholarships, among them the highest mark in the province for grade 2 piano in 1961, and the ACT Search for Talent contest in 1968.

After graduating from Fort Saskatchewan High School in 1970, I moved to Edmonton and enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program (majoring in Spanish and Music) at the University of Alberta. I received my degree in 1973 and enrolled in the Bachelor of Music program, majoring in Piano Performance. However, by this time I had met David Hauk and was reluctant to spend the solitary hours of practice required of B. Mus. Students.

On August 31, 1974 I married David Bruce Hauk, the eldest son of Joe and Regina Hauk of Wetaskewin, Alberta. We had met while David was a Bachelor of Physical Education student at the University of Calgary. He then received his teaching certificate in Edmonton prior to accepting his first position at St. Stephen’s School in Calgary. Following our marriage, I enrolled in Education at the U. of Calgary to obtain my teacher’s certificate and was offered employment as a music specialist with the Calgary Board of Education, where I have been employed ever since. By taking night and summer classes, I earned my Bachelor of Education Degree in 1981. David obtained his Master of Arts Degree in 1979 at the University of Gonzaga.

Barbara Hauk Delcy Myers David HaukOur first home was in the Ogden district of Calgary and a year later, we bought a new home in Canyon Meadows. Viewing show homes was a weakness for us and we bought two more homes, one in Okotoks, Alberta and our present home in the Sundance district of Calgary. Having diagnosed our penchant for new homes, we now view them only when our bank manager is on vacation. Although we do plan to move once more, we hope to wait until our children have outgrown the demolition years.

Throughout my 13 years with the Calgary Board of Education, I began as a music teacher and have gradually become interested in affective education. This led to involvement with Curriculum Development. As a member of the Calgary Board of Education Family Life & Sex Education Curriculum writing team, we developed the Family Life Program which is currently being taught across Canada and the United States, and as far abroad as Australia. I was also involved, as a writer, for our new Health Programme and in 1987, was appointed Curriculum Leader at Southwood Elementary School, my first administrative position. My husband has continued his teaching career and is presently the assistant headmaster of Rundle College, a Junior-Senior High School in the private sector.

Our lives are very busy and full from September to June as we pursue our individual careers and the activities of our three children. We are involved as parent volunteers, coaching hockey and baseball, sewing choir gowns, baking, driving for field trips, etc. Our summers are a time of relaxation, an opportunity to visit with family and friends, and pursue our own interests and hobbies. For myself, that includes reading, cooking, baking, running, photography, and of course, sleeping. We want to expose our children to a wide variety of opportunities and are confident they will learn from each new experience. Perhaps it is this confidence and the ability to learn which is the Millham legacy for my children. [In 1990, Barbara and family moved into a new home.]

Nicholas Donald, the eldest child of Barbara and David Hauk, was born March 8, 1979. Being the firstborn son of two teachers and being a naturally precocious child, he became a quick learner and appears destined to excel—by the time he entered kindergarten, he was reading at the third grade level. Music, however, combined with an exceptional memory, is where Nicholas has excelled. He takes piano lessons from his mother, and his singing ability (both solo and in choirs) has won him numerous awards. He sang at the baptisms of his younger siblings. He also plays hockey, swims and plays baseball.

When Nicholas grows up, he plans to go to university and then became a singer and hockey player. More specifically, he would like to sing Oh Canada at an NHL game, then win the opening face-off for his team. Oh yes, one other thing I forgot to mention—Nicholas dreams big!

Joshua David, the second son of Barbara and David Hauk, was born December 30, 1981. Although very small for his age, Joshua inherited his mother’s temper and his Grandpa Myers’ tenacity, and is well able to defend himself from the neighborhood bullies. His quickness and agility are matched only by his innate sense of mischief, however. He is extremely imaginative and creative and will make toys out of rocks, macaroni, or whatever. His two qualities for success are a stubbornness and sense of humor which he uses to change work to fun.

Amanda Delcy, the youngest child of Barbara and David Hauk, was born February 6, 1984. Growing up with two older brothers, Amanda prefers to play with boys and has developed a toughness which should serve her well. She is exceptionally close to Joshua who has become her “protector”. Amanda is an avid swimmer and, like Nicholas, enjoys music. Despite her somewhat boyish interests, Amanda does have some feminine characteristics—she loves clothes and changes at least seven times a day!

Kenneth Myers

Kenneth Leslie, the fourth child of Delcy and Leslie Myers, was born January 4, 1956 in Edmonton. He attended school at Fort Saskatchewan and much of his free time was spent helping his father on the dairy farm. As a youngster, Ken was a student of piano, violin, voice, and eventually drums. He competed in many music festivals and in high school, started alto saxophone. He joined the high school band and in 1974, on a European tour, was a featured soloist. While in Europe, he took part in an international festival at Teeside (near Edinburgh) and competed in the open instrumental solo class where he place among the highest contenders with a mark of 93%.

Later that year, Ken enrolled in the Bachelor of Music program at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Over the next few years, he played music professionally and taught private lessons at Alberta College. He also taught at Red Deer College and led the stage band there. In 1979, he spent the summer in Boston studying saxophone, flute and theory. Ken graduated in 1980 with his Bachelor of Education Degree with a major in Music.

On August 27, 1977 Ken married Robyn Galloway, the daughter of Roy and Aggie Galloway who lived on a neighboring farm. Ken and Robyn had grown up together and realized during the band tour of Europe that they were more than just pals! They were married while attending university. Robyn is a teacher with the Edmonton Public School Board; they live in Edmonton with their two sons.

Ken resumed private teaching and performing. Over the years, he has made recordings for local and national radio and television and has appeared at Jazz Festivals in Edmonton, Ottawa and Saskatoon, and at jazz and nightclubs throughout Western Canada. He has become well versed in all aspects of the music business and is a well known professional musician.

In the fall of 1986, he joined the staff of the Edmonton Public School Board as a music and drama teacher at Stratford Junior High. He was also an instructor for the Grant McEwan College Outreach Program. In 1989, Ken returned to the U. of A. to obtain his Masters Degree in Music. He continues to play professionally and leads his own band “Double Tenor Madness”. He is kept very busy juggling teaching, music, and family life.

Robyn Ken Steven Myers

Steven Leslie, son of Ken and Robyn Myers, was born November 14, 1985. He spends his days at daycare and has already made his musical debut—at the Daycare Christmas Concert.

Evan Roy, the second son of Ken and Robyn Myers, was born February 27, 1988 in Edmonton. He appeared with his parents on television when he was only two days old—being a leap year baby (and a Millham) is considered newsworthy!

Donald Myers

Donald Dean, the youngest child of Delcy and Les Myers, was born in Edmonton on June 21, 1960. Being the younger son, I was spared the gruel and grind of farm work—my brother Ken was the one awakened before sunrise to experience the niceties of dairy life. The idea of being a gentleman farmer appeals to me greatly.

I spent a great deal of time taking exams and competing in the Edmonton Kiwanis and Fort Saskatchewan Music Festivals in singing and piano, and I received several awards. As I entered Junior High, I began to study flute which became my main instrument. By the time my study of the flute ceased, I had obtained my grade 9 diploma, had won several awards, and had been a member of many local and provincial ensembles, bands and orchestras. I was a member of the Edmonton Youth Orchestra and was able to work with many of the best flautists and conductors in Canada. One of the highlights came in 1978 when we attended the National Youth Orchestra Festival in Banff, Alberta.

I graduated from Fort Saskatchewan High School in 1978 and, because of my father’s recent death, delayed my university entrance by a year to enter the working world. The life of a stock boy was not for me. In that year, I also worked as a psychiatric aide at the Alberta Hospital in Edmonton and continued to work there for another five summers to put myself through university. Unique experiences are encountered when one works in such an institution. I have been made a “General in the Anti-Vampire Army” and once St. Peter himself told me that he would put me in a high position of authority when my time comes. Through my university years, I also worked as a waiter and as an historical interpreter at Fort Edmonton Park.

Don Myers Ivy MillhamI received my Bachelor of Elementary Education specializing in Music from the University of Alberta in May 1985, and my Early Childhood Diploma in 1987. I am currently working toward my Graduate Diploma in Education and June 1988 will mark the end of my third year with the Edmonton Public School Board where I am a music teacher at Westbrook Elementary School and part-time substitute teacher.

For relaxation, I like to “putz” around, read, garden and sing. I hope to do a lot more traveling in the future. As a member of the Greenwood Singers, I get plenty of opportunity to sing; traditionally we put on two concerts a year at All Saints Cathedral, and perform with the Edmonton Symphony.

[As of 1989, Ken has a permanent contract at Northmount Elementary teaching grade 4 and Music.]

(submitted 1988)

Jeanne Ivy, the youngest daughter of Roy and Ivy Millham, was born September 20, 1930. She was a clever student, an avid reader and a diligent worker. Her vocal talents soon became apparent and she took part in many musical activities, an interest which was to continue throughout her life. After her sisters left home, Jeanne pursued more of her individual interests—her artistic talents emerged, she developed a liking for horseback riding and was able to take piano lessons. She later took piano and vocal training at Alberta College in Edmonton and worked for some time at Woodwards Store.

On February 28, 1951 Jeanne married Ewart Vivian Hoover, the son of Adam and Gladys Hoover of Tofield, Alberta. Ewart was employed by Shirley Brothers of Edmonton, so they settled in Edmonton where their first two sons were born. The job necessitated a move to Uranium City, Sask. where they remained for a couple of years before settling on an acreage at Ardrossan, just east of Edmonton. They built a home while Ewart was employed with the same company at Twin Bridges Sand and Gravel in Clover Bar, Alberta. Two more sons and a daughter joined their family.

Jeanne and Ewart were very active as a couple in community affairs. They belonged to the Independent Order of Foresters and were eager members of the Lamplighters Square Dance Club. Jeanne sang in the church choir, served as a Girl Guide leader, and was involved as a tireless worker on many fund raising committees. She was very skilful with her sewing machine, turning out clothes for herself and her family.

Ewart Hoover FamilyThis happy life came to an abrupt end when Ewart died instantly from a heart attack on May 6, 1967 at the age of 38 years. After a period of adjustment, Jeanne worked in the library at the Ardrossan Elementary School and later for Sears in Edmonton.

Some time later, she met and married Ray Stetson, the son of Harry and Margaret Stetson of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. The family moved to live with Ray on his dairy farm on the outskirts of Fort Saskatchewan, where the children attended school. Problems arose and this marriage ended in divorce in 1973 after which Jeanne and her children moved into their own home in Edmonton. She then worked for the Edmonton Journal and although she was happy and loved her job, her health began to fail. It was discovered she was the victim of an incurable brain tumor. After a long and devastating illness, Jeanne died on December 5, 1978 at the age of 48 years and was laid beside her husband Ewart Hoover in Westlawn Gardens, Edmonton.

Robert Hoover

Robert Clark, the eldest son of Jeanne and Ewart Hoover, was born April 1, 1952 and grew up in Edmonton, Uranium City and Ardrossan. Many happy hours were spent exploring his grandparents’ farm at Winterburn. One special event that stands out in Robert’s mind was when his mother made elegant costumes for each of the five children, herself and her husband for Klondike Days, a popular Edmonton Festival.

Following his dad’s death, Robert continued school and graduated from Ardrossan High School but spent more and more of his time at Winterburn with his grandparents. He enjoyed working with his grandfather and learned many things from him, and at the same time, Roy who was still farming, appreciated the companionship as well as the help. Robert had a variety of jobs but settled in as an employee of Port-a-Ville in Spruce Grove and continued to reside with his grandparents.

Robert married Jean Burns of Unity, Saskatchewan. He obtained a job with the Alberta Liquor Control board and they made their home in Edmonton. In 1979, he was transferred to Edson, Alberta where their son was born. They found this town to their liking and later Robert became employed by Luscar Sterco 1977 Ltd. Following a divorce, both Robert and Jean continued to live in Edson and both have happy and productive lives.

Robert married Heather Russel, daughter of Donald and Mabel Russel of Chalk River, Ontario, and they have a daughter.

Taylor Ewart , son of Robert and Jean Hoover, was born October 20, 1980 and lives in Edson where he has a happy relationship with both his parents. He is enrolled in the French Immersion Program and is an avid conversationalist in both languages. He likes camping and fishing with his father.

Krystal Dawn, daughter of Robert and Heather Hoover, was born November 12, 1984. She enjoys playing with her uncles and aunt, but her favorite pal right now is her dog, Blue.

Robert and Heather Hoover, Taylor and Krystal Hoover

David Hoover

David Roy, the second son of Jeanne and Ewart Hoover, was born in Edmonton on July 17, 1955. Happy memories of his childhood include the times when he was allowed to ride in the “big truck” with his dad, of hours rafting on the big slough with his older brother, and holidays in the mountains.

David was very active in sports. As catcher for the Ardrossan Fastball Club, he was chosen four consecutive years to play for the Northern Provincial Team. They defeated the Southern Team, then Calgary for the provincial championship in 1965 and 1966. He also played many positions in hockey.

David Hoover

While living at Fort Saskatchewan where he graduated from high school, David had many varied experiences on the dairy farm. He worked hard and saw the “value of a good man”. He learned how to operate machinery safely; hauled grain, bales and livestock; and worked with cattle in the dairy and with horses “trail riding”.

David went to the oil patch on October 8, 1975 as a ruffneck and worked his way up to Driller in September 1978. He has been drilling off and on (more on than off) for the past ten years and has worked all over Alberta, Northern B.C. and Saskatchewan. He is currently drilling for Sedco Drilling Rig #77.

David has traveled from the Mexican border to the Alaskan border, and been as far west as Hawaii and east to—Regina! He enjoys river canoeing, wilderness camping and traveling.


Leonard Hoover

Leonard Stewart, the third son of Jeanne and Ewart Hoover, was born March 29, 1959. Living on his parents’ acreage at Androssan, he attended the nearby elementary school. When he was just a little over eight years old, Leonard had the shock of his life when his father died suddenly. (This had a profound effect on Leonard.) He then attended Glengarry School in Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan School, and Jasper Place High School in Edmonton.

Following the death of his mother, Leonard and his siblings lived with their grandparents, Roy and Ivy. From high school, Leonard went to work in the Alberta oilfields which were booming at the time. Leonard has two sons.

Leonard Rodney Laurie William Hoover

Rodney Stewart Hoover, son of Leonard Hoover and Laurie Jones, was born November 5, 1980 and is presently living in Ontario.

William Roy Hoover, son of Leonard Hoover and Edith Weaver, was born January 19, 1986 and lives with his parents in Edmonton.

Keith Hoover

Keith Wesley, the fourth son of Jeanne and Ewart Hoover, was born May 13, 1960 in Edmonton. One week before his seventh birthday, Keith’s father died suddenly—his parents had gone out for an evening of square dancing and only his mother returned! As did his brothers, Keith attended school at Glengarry, Fort Saskatchewan and Jasper Place, and moved in with his grandparents following the death of his mother.

Keith’s first real job was as a forklift operator. Then he did some concrete work before obtaining employment in the oilfields.

Keith Sherri HooverKeith married Tara Rhein, daughter of Herbert and Violet Rhein of Edmonton. They lived in Edmonton and had a daughter prior to their divorce in 1986. Keith took the “Building Service Worker Programme” after which he obtained a job as a maintenance assistant at the Edson Senior Citizen Home in Edson, Alberta where he worked for a year. He is now once more in Edmonton making preparations to work in the construction industry.

Sherri Jeanne , daughter of Keith and Tara Hoover, was born November 10, 1981. She has become a seasoned traveler; she presently lives in Vancouver but enjoys coming to visit her dad and relatives in Edmonton, and her annual trip to Fantasy Land at West Edmonton Mall.

Shelly Hoover

Shelly Jeanne, the only daughter of Jeanne and Ewart Hoover, was born October 4, 1964 and remembers spending much of her childhood at her grandparents’ farm at Winterburn. She was involved in Brownies and always went to camp in summer.

Shelley Hoover, IvyUpon graduation from Jasper Place Composite High School in 1973, Shelly went to college and graduated with a certificate in Business Computers. After a two-year tenure with the federal government, she began her studies again. This time her chosen field was Hospital Records Administration. During her first semester, she was offered an exciting research position (to begin in July 1988) with the provincial government investigating health issues. Upon completion of her contract, she plans to continue studying unless she is offered a full-time position with the province.

Shelly lives in Edmonton with her two Siamese cats and spends her free time camping, fishing, bike riding, mountain climbing and horseback riding. She is saving her money in hopes of buying her own house, preferably near the river valley.

(by daughter Pat, 1989)

Stanley Newton Millham, the second son of Oliver and Ann Millham, was born November 3, 1894 at Hazelcliffe. He attended school there until the family moved to Vancouver in 1912. He attended business college for a short while before the family moved to Hughenden in 1914. At age 19, Stan was farming on his own a short distance from his family. In the winter of 1926, he attended mechanics school in Edmonton and it was there that he met his future wife.

On July 19, 1927 Stan married Dana Belle (Berta) Davidson (born September 13, 1899), daughter of Edward and the late May Lucinda Davidson of Bon Accord, Alberta. Berta taught at Whitelock and Poplar Site schools until June 1933.

Stan continued farming in the Hughenden district and also invested in the hotel business with brother Alfred for a short time in 1939-40 in McBride, B.C. He returned to farming and moved his family to Hardisty from 1942-44. Stan and Berta and their two daughters moved to Vancouver in the winter of 1944 when Stan bought a half interest in the St. Regis Hotel with brother Alfred. Stan commuted between the farm and Vancouver until his death.

He was a member of both Masons and Shriners Lodges in Alberta and Vancouver. Berta is a Daughter of the Nile. Both were members of the Vancouver Curling Club.

Stanley passed away August 18, 1960 in Vancouver due to cancer after an illness of several months. Berta continues to live in Vancouver. She curled for many years and had trips to Scotland with the Curling Grandmothers in 1969 and 1970. She worked as a volunteer at Sunnyhill Hospital for Children. She is an active member of Ryerson United Church and belongs to the women’s group.

Stanley Millham family Beverly Berta

(submitted April 1990)

Patricia May, daughter of Stanley and Berta Millham, was born August 26, 1933 in Edmonton. I attended school in McBride, B.C., Poplar Site, Hughenden and Hardisty until grade 5 when the family moved to Vancouver. I graduated from Magee High School in 1952 and took one year at the University of B.C. before entering nurse’s training at Vancouver General Hospital. I left training in October 1955.

On November 10, 1955 I married Edward John (Jack) Owen (born April 20, 1929), son of the late Edward and Mildred Owen of Vancouver. Jack worked for Northern Electric Co. for two years following our marriage and then began working at the St. Regis Hotel in various positions.

In March 1962, we moved to Lower Post, B.C. (on the Alaska Highway) and bought a share in the Highway Lodge. We managed the lodge with rooms, dining room, coffee shop, pub, lounge, general store and garage with gas pumps; taxi service; and supplied the village with electrical power. Jack was the sub- mining recorder and local fur trader as well. As it was fifteen miles to the nearest bank, our hotel safe served as the village bank. We owned a small school bus that was leased by the Department of Indian Affairs to transport students to high school in Watson Lake, Yukon. During that time our older children had to board in Victoria and Fort St. John for further schooling. In July 1973 we moved, with our four children, back to Vancouver and spent a year with my mother, Berta Millham.

In July 1974, Jack bought an interest in the Seagate Hotel (in Port Hardy) with Alfred Millham and Ed McConnell, and the family moved to Port Hardy in September of that year.

Owen family Terry Daryl Jack Brent Pat Lori

Jack has been a member of the Lions Club in both Watson Lake, Y.T. and Port Hardy, B.C. I was a member of the Lioness Club in Watson Lake. We have both curled in Lower Post, Port Hardy and Vancouver, and I belong to the United Church in Port Hardy.

I worked on the Port Hardy ambulance as attendant and driver for twelve years and taught First Aid classes for five years in the local high school. I then worked part time for a diet center from October 1987 to March 1989, and am now working part time in a flower shop. For the past four years, I have done tour guiding on the buses for the cruise ship that stops in Port Hardy during the summer months.

Brent Owen

Douglas Brent, the eldest son of Pat and Jack Owen, was born March 5, 1956 in Vancouver. He attended school in Lower Post, Victoria, Fort St. John and Vancouver. Brent graduated from Eric Hamber High School in Vancouver in 1974 and continued with a heavy duty mechanics course in Dawson Creek, B.C. He took his apprenticeship at Island Copper (Utah Mine) in Port Hardy.

On January 9, 1982 in Port Hardy, Brent married Barbara Gail Baker, daughter of Orville and Janet Baker of Ruskin, B.C. He worked for a short while for McMillan and Bloedel in Port McNeill, then went to Tumbler Ridge, B.C. to work for Quintette coal mine. Brent and Barbara had two children prior to their separation. Barb is working at Quintette mine also, as a truck driver.

Brent owned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle which took him on many long trips. He sold his motorcycle and now uses his two horses to spend many long hours hunting the hills around Tumbler Ridge.

Steven Maurice, son of Brent and Barbara Owen, was born May 24, 1982.

Marie Louise, daughter of Brent and Barb Owen, was born March 19, 1984.

Jack Marie Steven Owen

Daryl Owen

Daryl Edward, the second son of Pat and Jack Owen, was born September 25, 1957 in Vancouver. He attended school in Lower Post, Victoria, Watson Lake, Fort St. John, Vancouver and Port McNeill, and graduated from Eric Hamber High school in Vancouver in 1976.

Daryl began work at Island Copper (Utah mine) in Port Hardy in June 1976, as a sample technician in the assay lab. For the past year he has been working in the mill area at the mine. He is also a member of the mine rescue team and has just had a trip to Prince George to compete in the provincial competition in May 1989. He is a member of the volunteer fire department in Port Hardy and is on the fire protection crew at Utah mine. Daryl is an avid sportsman and enjoys skiing, scuba diving, water skiing, and plays hockey and baseball.

On May 25, 1991 Daryl married Anne Barton and they have a daughter.

Paige Alannah, daughter of Daryl and Anne Owen, was born October 17, 1991.

Terry Owen

Terry John, the third son of Pat and Jack Owen, was born in Vancouver on December 19, 1958. He attended school in Lower Post, Fort St. John, Vancouver and Port McNeill. When Terry was five years old it was discovered he had Perthes’ disease so he started his schooling while in Sunnyhill Hospital for children. He spent one and a half years in hospital before returning home to Lower Post to continue his schooling. He graduated from Eric Hamber High School in Vancouver in 1976.

Terry worked for ten years as a warehouseman and shift supervisor at Canadian National Transport. In April 1988, he began work with Schenker Distribution as assistant supervisor on the afternoon shift.

Terry Diana OwenOn September 27, 1985 Terry married Diana Pauline Naskinen, daughter of Paul and Rebecca Naskinen of Vancouver. They have a son and expect their second child in June 1990. Diana worked until the summer of 1987 in the Foreign Exchange Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. They have recently bought a house in Aldergrove, B.C.

Terry is very active in sports; he curls at the Marpole Curling Club and also plays hockey, football and baseball.

Terry Edward, son of Terry and Diana Owen, was born September 16, 1988.

Lori (Owen) Bosence

Lori Michele, the only daughter of Pat and Jack Owen, was born July 25, 1963 in Vancouver. She attended school in Lower Post, Vancouver and Port Hardy where she graduated in 1981.

Lori moved to Victoria after graduation and continued her education at Camosun College, taking a course in hotel and restaurant administration. She worked part time in the restaurant of the Dominion Hotel while going to school, and full time upon completing her course. In November 1987, the Dominion Hotel closed down and Lori moved to the O’Donnel’s Restaurant in January 1988 as supervisor/hostess. In October of the same year, she received a promotion to assistant manager.

On May 7, 1988 Lori married Tod Andrew Bosence, son of Gary and Sharon Bosence of Victoria. Tod is a chef at the Village Inn Restaurant in Victoria. Following the birth of their daughter, Lori returned to her job as manager at the restaurant. Lori enjoys horseback riding and photography. She loves animals and owns three cats.

Megan Leigh, daughter of Lori and Tod Bosence, was born February 1, 1990.

(submitted July 1989)

Beverly Joyce Marie, the second daughter of Stanley and Berta Millham, was born in Edmonton on August 2, 1935. I attended Hardisty, Hughenden and Poplar Site schools up to the fourth grade, then moved to Vancouver. I studied piano for twelve years, played basketball in high school and was a cheerleader. I also belonged to the Kerrisdale figure skating club. After graduating from high school in 1953, I took a business course, then worked at a mortgage company for one year.

On September 2, 1955 I married Thomas Bernard O’Dell (born August 31, 1931), the son of Kathleen and the late Jack O’Dell of Vancouver. We lived in Eugene, Oregon for two years while Tom took his pre-dent course at the University of Oregon. I worked in the office at Penney’s as secretary to the manager. In 1957 we moved to Chicago, Illinois where Tom completed his four years of dental training at Northwestern University. I worked for four years as personal secretary to the Director of Industrial Hygiene at Kemper Ins.

At the present time, Tom has a general practice in Vancouver and I work with him as assistant/receptionist. We have a summer home in the gulf islands where we spend many weekends with family and friends. We are currently building a new home in Surrey, B.C. which is a suburb of Vancouver. We have three children.

Pamela O’Dell

Pamela Gail, the eldest child of Beverly and Tom O’Dell, was born September 30, 1962. She was a successful age-group competitive swimmer and, at the age of twelve, set a record for Manitoba in the 100-meter butterfly (at a competition in Winnipeg). She also set a Canadian record in the 200-meter freestyle at the age of twelve.

Pam graduated from high school in 1980. She has been employed by Loomis Courier for the past eight years and is now head dispatch in the Richmond, B.C. office.

O'Dell family Tom Todd Bev Pam Kim

Kimberley O’Dell

Kimberley Susan, the second daughter of Beverly and Tom O’Dell, was born June 16, 1965 and was also a successful age-group competitive swimmer. She took an outdoor program called Quest in grade 10. This program was similar to Outward Bound where she was exposed to rock climbing, canoeing, X-country skiing and sailing. She had two sailing trips to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Kim graduated from high school in 1983.

Kim earned her bronze medallion and bronze cross for swimming as well as her PADI certificate for scuba diving. She was employed as a swim instructor at the YMCA for some time. Following this, she was employed as a baker for over a year. She then had an opportunity to travel to Indonesia with a friend. Upon her return, she took a course in the hospitality industry after which, was employed by the Delta Airport Inn where she worked for a year or more. In April 1989, Kim relocated to the Okanagan Valley outside Kelowna and hopes to resume employment in the baking or hospitality industry.

Todd O’Dell

Todd Stanley, son of Beverly and Tom O’Dell, was born February 21, 1969. He was always active in soccer and little league baseball as a youngster, and basketball in high school where he played on both the junior and senior teams. Todd graduated in 1987 with an interest in accounting and computers as well as all sports.

He is now employed in the office of S&R Sawmills in Port Kells, B.C. He curls at Marpole Curling Club and lifts weights in his leisure time.

(by daughter Shirley)

Olive Melinda Alice Millham was born April 21, 1902 at Hazelcliffe, the only daughter of Oliver and Ann Millham. She moved with her family to Prince Albert and subsequently to Vancouver where they lived for two years before moving, in 1914, to the Poplar Site district south of Amisk, Alberta. Olive decided on a teaching career and took her Normal School in Camrose, Alberta. She returned to teach at Morgan, Hughenden, Fabian, and Landscape schools in Alberta.

On January 11, 1928 Olive married Ernest Peddicord and they farmed in the Landscape district until 1960 when they moved to Amisk. They had two children.

Before Olive was married she played in an orchestra. After marriage, she taught music, played for church services, was active in F.U.W.A. activities and was a lifetime member of the W.I.

Olive passed away at Provost, Alberta on November 23, 1981. Ernest continues to live in Amisk.

Olive Millham Shirley Ernest Stuart Peddicord


Stuart Ernest, son of Olive and Ernest Peddicord, was born at Hardisty, Alberta on February 10, 1931. He grew up on his parents’ farm in the Landscape district southwest of Hughenden, where he received his public school education. He attended high school in Vancouver, Edmonton and Sedgewick where he graduated in 1949, receiving the Honor Pin for his contribution to the school.

Throughout his short and busy life, Stuart displayed a keen interest in many activities. Included in these was his Junior Red Cross work. He was one of the two youths representing Alberta for the organization at the International Convention in Montana in 1947. He was also very much interested in aviation and obtained his private flying license in 1950. He was secretary of the University Flying Club during the following year.

At the time of his death, Stuart was a third year geology student at the University of Alberta. He died due to a brain tumor at the University Hospital in Edmonton on January 5, 1952 at the age of 20 years.

Stuart Peddicord

(submitted 1989)

Shirley Joyce, daughter of Olive and Ernest Peddicord, was born February 25, 1934 at Hardisty, Alberta, and received her early schooling at a country school called Landscape. During her grades 5, 6 and 7 she, along with her family, spent some of each school year in Vancouver with the Stanley and Alfred Millham families so Shirley attended Vancouver schools at that time. She took her high school at Sedgewick where she lived in a dormitory with about fifty other students. She obtained her grade 10 Royal Conservatory of Music in piano at that time and later taught music for several years after her marriage. Shirley continued her education at the University of Alberta where she received her permanent teaching certificate. She taught one year each at Strome and Camrose, Alberta prior to her marriage.

On October 29, 1955 Shirley married Don Daily, a petroleum engineer whom she met at the U. of A., and they had four children. Due to a life in the petroleum industry, the family moved several times in Alberta. These included Wizard Lake (a Texaco Oil camp community situated ten miles south of Leduc), Drayton Valley, Cold Lake, Edmonton, Calgary; and Norman Wells, North West Territories.

After raising her family, Shirley enrolled at the University of Calgary for her Bachelor of Education Degree and graduated in June 1983. She subsequently taught E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) for a year to Vietnamese, Chinese, Cambodian and Japanese children, and has been teaching grade 1 for the past four years at Keeler Elementary School in Calgary.

Daily family Diana Mark Don Shirley Douglas

Patricia Daily

Patricia Dawn, the eldest child of Shirley and Don Daily, was born September 15, 1957 in Calgary. She began her elementary schooling in Edmonton, subsequently moving with her family to Cold Lake, back to Edmonton and then to Calgary where she graduated from high school.

Patricia moved with her son to Victoria, B.C. in July 1981 and is now residing in Sidney, B.C. She is a beauty consultant, giving facial treatments, and is presently completing her cosmetology and hairdressing course in Victoria.

Trent David, son of Patricia Daily, was born October 18, 1976 in Calgary. He spent his early years in Calgary and moved with his mother to Victoria where he began his schooling. Trent now attends school in Sidney and is interested in history, astronomy and stamp collecting. He enjoys reading and is interested in anything associated with computers; he also enjoys his position as shortstop in fastball.

Ernest Peddicord Shirley Daily family

Douglas Daily

Douglas Stuart, son of Shirley and Don Daily was born in Edmonton on September 20, 1959. Like his sister, Doug began his early schooling in Edmonton, then at Cold Lake, back to Edmonton, and continued on to junior and senior high school in Calgary. He has always had a keen interest in all forms of gymnastics and the martial arts. During his elementary school years, he and his brother learned the art of judo and were both members of the YMCA for a period of six years. In junior high, Doug received the “Most Improved Gymnast of the Year” award followed by the first place championship and gold medal in parallel bars for southern Alberta. He also placed seventh in free exercise (tumbling and acrobatic routines) for the province. At the same time, Doug was involved in the Calgary Karate Association. He was very interested in diving and was actively involved in a diving club. Doug played the trumpet in the school band for three years.

After a ten-year break, Doug has regained his old interest in the martial arts, applying a variety of the different styles, and has recently participated in several tournaments, receiving a gold, a silver, and a bronze medal as well as first and third place trophies for Alberta.

After completing high school, Doug took a mechanics course at SAIT and worked two years as a mechanic before returning to SAIT to acquire his power engineering certificate. He then obtained a position with Turbo Industries at the Airdrie, Alberta gas plant as a plant operator.

Mark Daily

Mark David, the second son of Shirley and Don Daily, was born November 22, 1962 in Edmonton. He and his family moved to Cold Lake when he was four years old and he attended Cold Lake Elementary School for grades 1 and 2. Mark has fond memories of Cold Lake, since his father was able to take him and his brother fishing many times. Along with the surrounding wilderness, it made the ideal childhood. The family lived at Cold Lake, then moved back to Edmonton where Mark attended his third and fourth grades. He and his brother took judo lessons at the YMCA at that time. They then moved to Calgary where Mark completed his schooling. While in junior high, Mark played the saxophone in the school band and the piano in the stage band. For six years, he and Doug were members of the YMCA in Calgary, where they took swimming and gym.

After high school, Mark picked up experience in a number of trades such as welding, insulating, tin bashing, cabinet making, ironworking, landscaping and carpentry. He developed a love for woodworking and is continually working on new projects. He enjoys all aspects of construction and is enrolled at SAIT college in Calgary for civil engineering technology.

On June 6, 1987 Mark married Wendy Arthur whom he had met at SAIT, and adopted her daughter, Candy, with the process being finalized in July 1988. They also have a son.

Shane Michael, son of Mark and Wendy Daily, was born in Calgary on October 24, 1988.

Mark Daily family Candy Wendy Shane

Diana Daily

Diana Lee, the second daughter and youngest child of Shirley and Don Daily, was born March 5, 1967 in Edmonton. At the age of three months, she moved with her family to Cold Lake, and later back to Edmonton. When Diana was five years old, she and her family moved to Calgary.

Diana attended grades 1 through 12 plus three years of university in Calgary. During her school life, she was very active in sports. In grade 5, she was in league bowling. She also joined a baseball league and was their pitcher for five years. In junior high, Diana played the alto saxophone in the school band for three years, played baseball and soccer, and had two paper routes.

During high school, Diana played volleyball and discovered field hockey which became her all-time favorite sport. She also coached both sports, receiving her Level 1 certificate in these two areas. She took sports medicine courses in grades 11 and 12. Upon graduating, she received two major awards: a major athletic award (for playing on numerous teams) and the Maxwell Award for citizenship, academic and sports.

During the summer after grade 11, Diana was chosen to be a junior forest ranger along with a group of girls. They spent the entire summer in the Rocky Mountain foothills where they first cleared the land, then erected a plastic tent in which to live. They also set up their dining hall which was a plastic tent with a wood stove and four tables. As her Grandpa Ernest commented, the situation was very primitive. They cleared trails, sprayed noxious weeds in the valleys, scaled cliffs, took forest fire fighting training, and learned how to live off the land.

The following summer, she worked for Park Alert which was associated with the Calgary City Police force. Here she and her group, by patrolling on their bikes, kept vigilance on the city parks on the lookout for the use of alcohol, drugs and violence. These actions would be reported to the police who would then handle the situation.

Diana entered the faculty of Physical Education at the University of Calgary. At that time, she was asked to coach field hockey at her high school; the first year they won second in the city. She also coached high school volleyball and they won first in the Cities Tournament. During the 1988 Calgary Olympics, Diana was a volunteer at the Athletic Village. She was an access controller and was responsible for allowing only authorized people into the Village. She met many of the athletes and has many happy memories and mementos of those people and events.


(by daughter Maxine, May 1991)

Alfred Herbert Millham, the youngest son of Oliver and Ann Millham, was born at Hazelcliffe on January 21, 1905. After moving with his family to Vancouver, and later to the Hughenden district of Alberta, Alfred graduated from grade 12 at Camrose. His interests through the years have included curling, goose shooting, and the Masonic lodge.

In December 1928, Alfred married Marie Katherine Heguy, and they had two children. He was owner and general manager of the St. Regis Hotel in Vancouver from 1945 to 1962. He then became general manager of the Seagate Hotel in Port Hardy, B.C. until 1986.

Marie passed away on January 19, 1984. In 1989, Alfred married Muriel Gordon and both are presently living in a rest home in the Shaughnessy area of Vancouver. [Alfred passed away June 30, 1991.]

Maxine McConnell Alfred Millham Kathleen Millham


Herbert Charles, son of Alfred and Marie Millham, was born May 31, 1929. He graduated from St. Georges School in Vancouver before entering the University of B.C. in the faculty of Law.

In 1954 Herb married Kathleen Keele and they had five sons. He was a practicing barrister and solicitor, and passed away on August 24, 1985.

Peter Millham

Peter Charles, the eldest son of Herb and Kathy Millham, was born December 1, 1954 and graduated from Eric Hamber High School in Vancouver. At present he lives in Vancouver where he is a writer. Peter is not married.

David Millham

David Stuart, the second son of Herb and Kathy Millham, was born November 8, 1955 and also graduated from Eric Hamber High School.

In 1976 David married Nellis Anderson and they have four children. They live in Courtney, B.C. and David is an hotel lounge manager in Comox.

Stuart, the eldest son of David and Nellis Millham, was born September 15, 1975.

Allison, the only daughter of David and Nellis Millham, was born December 11, 1976.

Christopher, the third child of David and Nellis Millham, was born July 25, 1984.

Matthew Tyler, the youngest son of David and Nellis Millham, was born July 19, 1985.

Christopher Millham

Christopher, the third son of Herb and Kathy Millham, was born November 22, 1957 and graduated from Eric Hamber High School in Vancouver. He attended BCIT where he graduated in Business Administration. He is not married.

Robert Millham

Robert James, the fourth son of Herb and Kathy Millham, was born March 28, 1959 and also graduated from Eric Hamber. He attended Western Washington University in Washington, U.S.A. for five years where he graduated in Business Administration.

On June 17, 1989 Robert married Dr. Catherine Joan Phillips, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Bud Phillips, in Regina and they presently live in Vancouver.

Michael Millham

Michael, the fifth son of Herb and Kathy Millham, was born April 12, 1960. He graduated from Eric Hamber High School in Vancouver where he lives. He is not married.

(submitted 1991)

Maxine Marie, daughter of Alfred and Marie Millham, was born May 21, 1930. She graduated from Crofton House School and entered the University of B.C. in Education.

In 1964 Maxine married Wm. Edward McConnell and they had one son. Edward, a hotel owner and manager at Port Hardy, B.C., passed away in 1979. Maxine is presently vice-principal at Port Hardy Secondary School.

Brian McConnell

Brian William, son of Maxine and Edward McConnell, was born September 20, 1964. He obtained his degree in Business Administration and presently works for a life insurance company in Vancouver.

Brian has a son and lives in Vancouver, plus divides his time at the summer home in Indian Arm, North Vancouver.

Michael Edward, son of Brian McConnell, is 3 years of age.

Maxine McConnell, Michael Edward, Brian McConnell

George Millham receipt for Manitoba Homestead

George Millham receipt for Saskatchewan Homestead